It seemed obvious to anyone thinking in a stable state of mind that the assassination of Iran’s Soleimani last Friday would lead to retaliation. Knowing the simplicity of Trump’s bully thinking patterns, it seemed obvious to everyone else escalations would surely occur. This was not like killing “Osama Bin Laden” in 2011 or “Abu Bakr Baghdadi” in 2019 who were non-state terrorists. Soleimani was a General of Iran and the assassination was a very provocative act of war. What would you think if Iran came to our country and assassinated our Defense Secretary? Would we just ignore it or seek some sort of revenge? For most of us, this isn’t hard to understand. To make it worse, Trump said he would next go after cultural targets in Iran, further inflaming the Iranians and bringing them to a single purpose of hating the US. I realize in Trump’s mind this somehow made him seem like a bigger man, however it showed the opposite highlighting his very small self-esteem which is a sign of a bully. This prelude to war was predicted by many of us. In tweets and interviews in 2011 this was foreshadowed when he said Barack Obama would start a war with Iran to get reelected. Wow, he told us back then how his mind works. This attack was disgusting and goes against the rules of war. Unfortunately, Trump seems to not have any sense of right and wrong, morality or decency. Besides being a huge embarrassment to most of us, he once again has made us and the US the laughingstock of the world. If your own common sense doesn’t tell you this, you can clearly see by watching the other world leaders laughing at our President during a meeting at his speech to the UN or travel abroad and see what citizens of other countries think of this President. He is deeply embarrassing. Remember when he pushed Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, second from right, in Brussels on May 25, 2017 shown below. Just one of thousands of embarrassments for all of us.