Shifting Trump on the Virus

Remember a short while ago when Trump said the virus was a Democratic HOAX instead of doing something about it to save lives? The only thing he has done right was to shut down flights from China. But he should not get credit for that because he loves to shut down borders and this was just another opportunity to do it again. He did not do it solely in response to the virus, it just worked out for him this time. Please view the video above from the Washington Post and YouTube showing how he has slowly started to get it. Still, he is not taking it seriously nor will he take any responsibility for his inactions to prepare for and fight this pandemic. Does anyone else get tired of listening to Trump brag about himself while doing nothing? His use of rhetoric, innuendo and tantrum bursts.

If you have a little more time, below is another fantastic compilation of Trump’s craziness on the Virus.

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