Why do you suppose Trump does not want the National Intelligence Agency to brief Congressional Intelligence Committees regarding election interference? Only one reason, to make sure Congressional oversight of Russian interference cannot be done. Today the Director of National Intelligence informed Congress of that very thing. Can you imagine if any other President had directed such a thing? Let me clarify, Trump may not have given that direct order, but others in his administration are making it happen under his overall direction and supervision. What happened to integrity and accountability? Should any President have the right to mask from Congress anything he deems might interfere with his chances of reelection? Of course not, we all know that. This is a lawless President who is working hard to become a dictator. He is blurring himself with the State and that puts our democracy in grave danger. What is worse is Congress is letting him walk all over them. By the time they wake up, it will be too late. Time to wake up people before it is too late.