This morning (9/21/20) we again saw Trump’s over-reaching influence to change information available on the CDC website. A recent CDC post indicated Covid-19 is airborne and could travel more than 6 feet. This is well known information. Even Trump acknowledged this on his Feb 7th, 2020 conversation with Bob Woodward. Now suddenly it is being withdrawn from the website. You know why. Trump’s influence in distorting the truth the public sees is outrageous and dangerous. Is this not blatant lying?
Trump’s Payroll Tax Holiday
Not many people understand what he is talking about, so here are some details. This is talking about the Social Security and Medicare deductions from “working folks” paychecks. A few things to note:
- Only effects working folks who already have an income, it does not help people out of work.
- This money is used to fund Social Security and Medicare and the money will be badly missed.
- Trump does not have the authority to change these contributions, he can only delay the collection of them.
- You will owe them to the government when you file your 2020 federal taxes next April 15th 2021 and it will be a lot of money.
- Where will that payback money come from if you have already spent it?
- Trump’s only reason to implement is to goose the economy in the short run before the election so the economy will look better for him.
- Trump eludes to it being forgiven, however he does not have authority to do that. Besides Social Security and Medicare need that money to continue.
This in nothing more than another cheap illusion trick Trump uses to mislead. Does anyone remember the big middle-income tax break he promised they were working on just before the 2018 elections? All talk, nothing became of it. Do not trust this empty talk.
Ending In-Person Congressional Briefings
Why do you suppose Trump does not want the National Intelligence Agency to brief Congressional Intelligence Committees regarding election interference? Only one reason, to make sure Congressional oversight of Russian interference cannot be done. Today the Director of National Intelligence informed Congress of that very thing. Can you imagine if any other President had directed such a thing? Let me clarify, Trump may not have given that direct order, but others in his administration are making it happen under his overall direction and supervision. What happened to integrity and accountability? Should any President have the right to mask from Congress anything he deems might interfere with his chances of reelection? Of course not, we all know that. This is a lawless President who is working hard to become a dictator. He is blurring himself with the State and that puts our democracy in grave danger. What is worse is Congress is letting him walk all over them. By the time they wake up, it will be too late. Time to wake up people before it is too late.
Another case of using the government to enrich Trump
It is clear now that Trump again tried to use government influence to enrich himself and his family. He plainly asked the ambassador to England to see if he could get the Open moved to his golf course in Scotland.
In October 2019 this was reported and the report promptly filed as Classified. This classifying process is Trump’s way of hiding embarrassing and incriminating information from the public. We must see what is in that report.
Shifting Trump on the Virus
Remember a short while ago when Trump said the virus was a Democratic HOAX instead of doing something about it to save lives? The only thing he has done right was to shut down flights from China. But he should not get credit for that because he loves to shut down borders and this was just another opportunity to do it again. He did not do it solely in response to the virus, it just worked out for him this time. Please view the video above from the Washington Post and YouTube showing how he has slowly started to get it. Still, he is not taking it seriously nor will he take any responsibility for his inactions to prepare for and fight this pandemic. Does anyone else get tired of listening to Trump brag about himself while doing nothing? His use of rhetoric, innuendo and tantrum bursts.
If you have a little more time, below is another fantastic compilation of Trump’s craziness on the Virus.
This Is Much More Than Dangerous
We can’t just stand by and watch this president recklessly spew such
craziness to feed his own ego. Can anyone deny the obviously absurd and dangerous behavior of this president? In this case it is about disinfectants and light. Please pay particular attention to Dr. Birx’s reaction. You can clearly see her disgust and disbelief in his statements. She couldn’t even watch him say it. It seems like she was wishing she was not there. I’m not sure why she didn’t stand up and set the record straight. It seems as if everyone in his administration is mortally afraid of this president and cower to correct him which is extremely dangerous since in this case, she alone had the power and credibility to do so. Later he would go on to say this was just sarcasm directed at the media, watch it and you will see the truth. Please view at least the first 4-5 minutes of the video below from CNN and YouTube to see what really happened.
Also, as usual when confronted with a question he can’t articulate an answer to, he goes on the attack to hide his lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, there are people who believe this crazy talk and may harm themselves or others after listening to this special kind of craziness. Can anyone explain why people can’t acknowledge the obvious before their very own eyes? Truth and absolute realty do exist.
How We Got Here
It is impossible for a small immature man with a child-like mind to laugh at himself and put things into proper perspective. In fact, for those who have not seen or have forgotten what really motivates Trump, the video below from Frontline will clarify and remind. This event took place at the correspondent’s dinner in 2011. Obama couldn’t have realized the monster he would create. Unable to get beyond embarrassment or humiliation, this event drives Trump to crazy child-like behaviors all aimed at revenge and show he can tear down everything Obama has accomplished. A very sad situation. Behavior which hurts us all.
Unbelievable – Another CNN Video Showing what happened at that Correspondent’s Dinner in 2011.
Do We Have a Bully for a President?
It seemed obvious to anyone thinking in a stable state of mind that the assassination of Iran’s Soleimani last Friday would lead to retaliation. Knowing the simplicity of Trump’s bully thinking patterns, it seemed obvious to everyone else escalations would surely occur. This was not like killing “Osama Bin Laden” in 2011 or “Abu Bakr Baghdadi” in 2019 who were non-state terrorists. Soleimani was a General of Iran and the assassination was a very provocative act of war. What would you think if Iran came to our country and assassinated our Defense Secretary? Would we just ignore it or seek some sort of revenge? For most of us, this isn’t hard to understand. To make it worse, Trump said he would next go after cultural targets in Iran, further inflaming the Iranians and bringing them to a single purpose of hating the US. I realize in Trump’s mind this somehow made him seem like a bigger man, however it showed the opposite highlighting his very small self-esteem which is a sign of a bully. This prelude to war was predicted by many of us. In tweets and interviews in 2011 this was foreshadowed when he said Barack Obama would start a war with Iran to get reelected. Wow, he told us back then how his mind works. This attack was disgusting and goes against the rules of war. Unfortunately, Trump seems to not have any sense of right and wrong, morality or decency. Besides being a huge embarrassment to most of us, he once again has made us and the US the laughingstock of the world. If your own common sense doesn’t tell you this, you can clearly see by watching the other world leaders laughing at our President during a meeting at his speech to the UN or travel abroad and see what citizens of other countries think of this President. He is deeply embarrassing. Remember when he pushed Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, second from right, in Brussels on May 25, 2017 shown below. Just one of thousands of embarrassments for all of us.

Lack Of Honor and Integrity
Meddling with Military processes is dangerous and should not be done by a novice who lacks the skills needed to even discuss. This is especially true if that person has no sense of how these important processes work, why they are important, doesn’t possess honor, integrity, common sense or decency. Because Donald Trump is completely oblivious to any of these principles, he especially should not interfere. Trump believes the end justifies any means and doesn’t understand these are the basic principles which underlie American values. Our country is great because it abides by these basic decency standards. This is what makes us different and respected by the rest of the world. As for me, I would rather do the extra work of maintaining our values and decency to keep our respected place in the world stage. Continuing on this course of complete lack of values and standards is destroying who we are and what we stand for.
Has Decency Left Our Discourse?
Trump’s comments regarding John Dingle looking up from HELL are deplorable.